00 06/11/2009 12:53
The UEWA European Championship Tournament will be held on April 24th in 2010 in Buchholz (Nordheide), Germany!

Here are the wrestlers who will be part of the eight man tournament:

CWN: “Bad Bones” John Kay or Jon Ryan
ICW: Lupo or Kaio
PBW: Lionheart (Kilmarnock, Scotland)
SSW: “The Prodigy” Paul Malen or ???
DPW: Chaos or ???
WWPW: “Rebel” Damon Brix (Linz, Austria)
ASW: Rampage Brown or ???
RWA: Michael Kovac or ???

Also, UEWA VideoCast ep. 3 is now available to watch on Hybrident.tv

credits: UEWA